Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Residential Admissions FAQ

General Eligibility:
My student received something in the mail, but they are in the 9th Grade. Can they apply now?

Students in the 9th grade are not eligible to apply to GSSM for the Residential Program. The program only accepts students who have completed the 10th grade and are rising juniors. See below for Academic Application Requirements. Middle school and rising 9th and 10th grade students can participate in GSSM’s GoSciTech summer camps. Registration opens in early March each year for camps in June and July.

My child is currently a junior, and I just heard about the Residential Program. Is it possible for him or her to join the program now?

Unfortunately, your child is no longer eligible for admission to our Residential program. The program only considers application from students when they are rising Juniors (i.e., in the 10th grade).

Can a student enroll only for their senior year at GSSM?

Our program is a two-year residential academic program, so we only admit students for their junior year. GSSM does not admit any students for only their senior year.

My child attends a South Carolina public school, but we live out of state. Are we eligible to apply?

Eligibility is based on residency. Per state law, students must have at least one parent/guardian who is a legal resident of South Carolina to apply.

Admissions Eligibility:
What are the academic course requirements (pre-requisites) for admission to GSSM?

Below is a list of the Academic Admissions Requirements that must be completed by the end of your 10th grade year. Competitive applicants will meet or exceed these academic requirements:

  • Algebra 1
  • Algebra 2
  • Geometry
  • English 1
  • English 2
  • A social studies course
  • A lab science course (biology, chemistry or physics are recommended)
  • Additional credits can include English, math, science, social studies, foreign language, computer science, art or music.
What if I will not have Algebra II or Geometry completed by the end of 10th grade? May I take it during summer school?

Unfortunately, if a student will not complete the required Academic Admissions Requirements before the academic school year ends, we cannot consider them for admission.

How many math courses (credits) do I need to take to be considered competitive for admission to GSSM?

At minimum, students must have completed Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry by the end of the sophomore year. Forty-two percent of the members of the Class of 2026 completed Pre-Calculus before enrolling at GSSM. Competitive applicants will have taken the honors level of these classes and earned A’s. Math is an important foundation of our curriculum, which is why honors level classes with high grades are important.

What GPA is considered competitive for admission to GSSM?

Competitive applicants will have consistently high grades, including mostly A’s, in all academic subjects. The average unweighted GPA for the enrolling Class of 2026 was 3.93 on a 4.0 scale.

Testing and Test Scores:
Are standardized test scores required for admission?

Test Scores are strongly recommended, but not required, for admission to GSSM for fall 2025. If you do not submit a standardized test score, you will be required to complete the GSSM Math Admissions Test. This test will be provided online in the spring.

What standardized tests do you accept?

Only one score from the PSAT, ACT, PACT and/or SAT is needed for the application. For scores to be considered for admission, the test must have been completed in January 2024 or later. We cannot consider scores prior to January 2024.

What standardized math test score is considered competitive for admission to GSSM?

Below are math standardized test scores that are competitive for admission:

PSAT: 550 or higher
SAT: 600 or higher
Pre-ACT or ACT: 25 or higher

Students with math scores less than these scores are strongly recommended to take GSSM’s Math Admissions test, offered in April.

What is the Math Admissions Test?

A foundation in algebra and geometry is essential to enrolling at GSSM, and our Math Admissions Test gauges a student’s knowledge in those subjects. The Math Admissions Test is required of applicants who do not provide standardized test scores (PSAT, SAT, ACT or Pre-ACT). Students may also request to complete the Math Admissions Test if their standardized test scores in math are lower than our competitive scores, which are noted above.

Completing and Submitting Your Application for Admission:
Is the Honors and Awards section of the application only for academic awards?

Honors and awards can be anything from A/B honor roll, perfect attendance, region/all-state in sports or music, leadership positions, Eagle Scout or Gold Award, drama, art, or writing awards, etc

How do I upload my test scores on my application for admission?

We need the PDF of your test score report, which includes the student’s name, total score and sub-scores, and date(s) of testing. Log onto your College Board or ACT account to access and download your score reports. Students can then upload the PDF to their application portal.

I am having a problem uploading my application essay, what do I do?

The student can only upload their essay AFTER the first part of their application (personal information/demographics) has been submitted.

Check out this video for essay tips!

I am having problems with the online application. Whom should I contact?

Send an email describing your problems to Provide a screenshot if this clarifies your problem. Alternatively, you may call Ashley Koontz, Enrollment Coordinator, (843-383-3901 ext. 3963).

Letters of Recommendation:
How many letters of recommendation are required for admission to GSSM?

For fall 2025 admission, you need two (2) letters of recommendation to complete your application for admission. One should be from a STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math) instructor and one should be from a humanities, social science, or English instructor. Your application for admission will ask you to provide the name, title, and email address for your recommenders. Our admissions staff will then contact those instructors to request your letters of recommendation, which will be provided confidentially to us.

My current STEM or Humanities/Social Science/English teacher is not available for a recommendation and my 9th grade teacher is no longer working at my high school. What do I do?

Please contact Ashley Koontz, Enrollment Coordinator, at (843-383-3901 ext. 3963) or by email We can recommend another instructor you can invite to provide a recommendation on your behalf.

My teacher is unwilling to provide a recommendation, and my 9th grade teacher has left. What do I do?

If your teacher is not comfortable completing the form and a 9th grade teacher is unavailable, then you should speak to the teacher and ask them to submit a statement of refusal to us by email, We will then add the statement of refusal to your file in lieu of the evaluation. This way you are not penalized for what your teacher is not able to complete.

Does my school counselor need to provide a letter of recommendation for my application?

We require a School Counselor Evaluation Form to be completed, which is slightly different from the teacher recommendation forms. Your application for admission will ask you to provide the name, title, and email address for your school counselor. Our office will contact your counselor and provide a link to the School Counselor Evaluation Form for them to complete and request a copy of your fall grades.

Interview Day:
What is Interview Day and how do I prepare for it?

Applicants who become finalists for admission are invited to Interview Day at GSSM, which is Saturday, March 29, 2025. Students are assigned a designated time to arrive on campus and participate in small group interviews to include approximately six students and 2 GSSM faculty or staff members. The purpose of Interview Day is to learn more about a student’s interest in GSSM and what they hope to gain from attending GSSM. Each interview session is about 40 minutes. Participation in Interview Day or a make-up session, is required for admission to GSSM.

GoSciTech Summer Camps FAQ

GoSciTech Residential FAQ
GOscitech Day FAQ
goscitech virtual FAQ