Rule Number 1: Have Fun!
GSSM isn’t just about academics—we have a lot of fun, too! If you’re shy or introverted, don’t worry! One of the great things about GSSM is that because everyone is a “new student,” you’re all in the same boat. And with 287 other students, you’re bound to find new friends who share your interests.
Clubs and Societies
GSSM has nearly 70 clubs and societies. Clubs are organizations with a faculty sponsor, while societies are student-run. Any two students can form a society based on anything they’re interested in. Societies have been formed around a wide variety of topics, such as Harry Potter, Hip Hop, Improv Comedy, and College Football. Check out some of our current clubs and societies:
- Community Betterment
- NHS (National Honor Society)
- Common Ground
- Key Club
- Interact
- FWD (Fun without Drugs)
- MoM (Mind Over Matter)
- GirlUp
- S2S
- Cultural Awareness
- French Club
- Spanish Club
- National French Honor Society
- Multicultural Cooking Club
- Language Table Club
- Academic Team
- Astronomy
- Applied Statistics
- Computer Club
- TechTalk
- Physics
- Robotics
- SeaPerch Robotics
- Science Olympiad
- Recreational
- Gagaball Club
- DiscSports Club
- Skate Club
- Weightlifting and Athletics Club
- Civil Engagement
- Speech and Debate
- Mock Trial
- Youth In Government (YIG)
- Model UN
- FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)
- We the People
- Special Interest
- Asian Culture Club
- Chess Club
- Baking Club
- Garden Club
- Beekeeping Club
- Yearbook
- Photography
- Art
- K-Pop Club
- LEGO Club
- Campus/Student Body
- SAB (Student Activities Board)
- Student Council
- Societies
- Anime Society
- Classic Literature Society
- Ping Pong Society
- Manhunt Society
- Students Together Against Boredom Society
Societies are formed when groups of students with common interests get together on a semi-regular basis to share in and explore their interest further. Being recognized as a Society is much easier and more flexible than registering as a club. For example, a Society is not required to have a faculty or staff advisor, elect officers or hold regular meetings. This makes it very simple for students with shared interest areas to find each other and enjoy their particular interest or focus in a very light, fun and informal way.